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My Juice Plus Journey


My journey began when I came back from working in France and had gained an extra 3 stone.

Due to injuries I wasn't able to participate in physical activity as much as I use to, as a sporty person who went to the gym every day this really got to me.

My general health had deteriorated. My skin was in a bad condition, my nails were weak and my hair had been sun damaged from my 2 seasons in the sun.

I had been put on medication for depression and the doctors weren't going to help me with my weight which had gone into 'obese', this made me feel even worse about myself and my struggle.


I was at my last resort.

I saw one of my old friends post on facebook about these magic beans and thought what have I got to lose. So decided to not only buy the products to help with my weight but join her team promoting healthy living around the world.


Within 7 days I had noticed a massive difference with my weight (photos attached)

after a month or two I was off my anti depressants and began to see me nails and hair had improved.



With regards to joining the team, I've met some amazing people who have helped me grow in confidence, every day I am learning, and afforded myself 4 holidays, a few weekend away, and help paying for a new car.

The business offers tickets to our big events to which I have been to Birmingham and in March will be off to Brighton, offering inspiration, training and a chance to build my business!

©Copyright 2017 by Fruity Health and Fitness
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